Meet Dounia Sitayeb: Co-Founder & CEO at New Society

Peiyao Qiu
October 21, 2023

GM Frens, ever wondering about the life of being an entrepreneur in the Web3 Media Space? Today please meet Dounia Sitayeb, co-founder & CEO of New Society.

Web3 media represents a paradigm shift in the world of digital content, where blockchain technology and decentralized networks are redefining how information is produced, distributed, and experienced.

✨ Then:

Dounia is a creative entrepreneur captivated by the intersection of new technologies and their influence on creativity and culture. After a decade as an art director for established and emerging brands, she pioneered one of the first sustainable fashion concept stores in Paris.

✨ Now:

Today, she is committed to the democratization of this innovative ecosystem and constantly seeks to unveil new frontiers. She thus founded New Society, mixed-reality media that produces visual and written journalism to break accessibility barriers to Web3.

📚 The New Society Inaugural Bookzine

A 500-page exploration of technology and creative life.

Once top-down and ruled by institutions, in Web3, creative exchange is primarily decentralized and peer-to-peer. The book dissects life in and around Web3 through seven primary chapters and key components: Builders, Currency, Collectors, Community, Creators, Brands, Regulators.

We’re forming a new society. 💜

Decentralization. Please save the culture.

Meet New Society co-founder collective: Bilal EL ALAMY, Braw Haus, Raphaëlla Levesque, Clara Tournay, Owen Simonin,, Sami Chlagou, Audrey Lévêque, Richard Hobbs, Chapter 2, BORGET Sebastien, Enrique Menendez, plus mûrs studio.

Discover the Bookzine here.

😎 Get to know Dounia a bit more:

PDF or print book?

Print book.

Hardcover or Paperback?


Buying books new or Secondhand?


Bestseller or Hidden Gem?

Hidden Gem.

Fashion or Business?

Fashion Business.

Art or Tech?


Text or Visual?


Risk-taking or calculated risk?


Innovation or adaptation?


Sales and marketing or Product Development?


Work-life balance or Hustle 24/7?

Hustle 24/7.

Passion-driven or profit driven?


Join the creative reset with New Society here.

Learn more about PyratzLabs here.