Meet Alexandre Vannucci: Co-Founder & CEO at Lezar

Peiyao Qiu
November 11, 2023

If the non-physical has been for long a condition of crypto art, this is not its full nature… This is where physical experiences make it achieve its limitless potential. GM Frens, today we invite you to enter the realm where technology and creativity intertwine with Alexandre Vannucci, Co-Founder and CEO at Lezar House.

An art studio where artistic expression transcends boundaries.

A gallery where collectors and artists spark together a revolutionary shift in the traditional art landscape.

Let’s dive into Alex's entrepreneurship journey and uncover his life passions !

✨ About an arty entrepreneurship:

Alex is the co-founder and CEO of Lezar House, a company launched in 2018 as a "crea tech" studio dedicated to Web3 creators, and NFT art gallery based in Barcelona since the beginning of 2022. Lezar House is dedicated to exploring how technology can transcend creative processes and artistic experiences, and how to redefine the role of art galleries with the advent of tech art.

With his partner Jacques Bertrand-Lalo, Alex leverages his expertise in art, creative technologies and blockchain/NFTs to build bridges between the digital and physical worlds, with a focus on the artistic Experience. Projects from the studio and the Lezar residency, acting as a genuine creative incubator, illustrate diverse and innovative use cases that enable this link, as well as the importance of collaboration in the creative adventure, and the new paradigm of art consumption made possible by Web3.

✨ And beyond:

Alex stresses the importance of transforming ideas into concrete realizations, highlighting the fact that ideas remain just ideas when they are not processed, and thus underlying the essential nature of strategy and project management when it comes to turn art into a project, or even into a product, with an evolutive, long-term and sustainable perspective. R&D and innovation, new monetization models, definition of meaning & utility for art, intellectual property value are part of the key questions he addresses everyday for making creative projects successful and more globally, contributing to transform the worldwide Creator Economy.

More than a vision, this is the mission of Lezar.

😎 Get to know Alex a bit more:

Digital art or Physical art?

Digital-to-physical art

Oil painting or watercolor?

Oil painting

Street art or fine art?

Fine street art ;)

Van Gogh or Picasso?


Leonard Da Vinci or Beeple?


Punk or Ape?

Be Twin Lines

1/1 or editions?


Museum or Galleries?

Galleries are the new Museums

Traditional canvas or digital art tools?

Tech art tools

Innovator or adaptor?


Risk-taker or calculated planner?


Global or local?


Market-led growth or product-led growth?

Both : product-led in a market-shaping growth

Solo entrepreneur or co-founder?

100% co-founder

Work-life balance or hustle 24/7?

No time to answer this ;)

Visit Lezar website here.

Explore Lezar House "Let Art Be" exhibitions here.

Discover PyratzLabs here.